Sydney Morning Herald has six burning questions for Nadine.
1. Nostalgia is such a big deal these days, isn’t it?
There’s something wholesome about the past.
2. Is The Doctor Blake Mysteries a nostalgic series?
It’s about looking back to a time when people knew their place. Not all of it was pleasant, but it was much more clearly defined.
3. Your character seems a bit old-fashioned. Do you share her take on some things?
She’s a very conservative woman, doing her best to fulfil her duty and be virtuous. I just love her.
4. Seeing as you’re currently in a Noel Coward play, can you give us a quick line in RP (Received Pronunciation)?
Yes darling, well it sounds vaguely like this. It sounds very proper.
5. The play is called Private Lives; do you have trouble separating the private and the public sides of your life?
I don’t actually. Occasionally some lovely person will come up and say, ”I really liked you in XYZ,” and that’s gorgeous.
6. Does it bother you that people still remember you from The Henderson Kids?
There wasn’t a lot of very high quality television being made in the ’80s, and that show really touched people of a certain age group.
The Dr Blake Mysteries, Fridays 8.30pm from Feb 7, ABC1,; Private Lives at Southbank Theatre until March 8,